Lolo Pets Classic at Interzoo 2024 – Leading Trade Fair for Pet Products

We are very pleased to announce that Lolo Pets Classic will participate in Interzoo 2024, the most important international event in the pet products industry, to be held in Nuremberg from May 7-10, 2024 in Nuremberg, Germany. The Interzoo trade show is the recognized forum for the global pet market, bringing together top manufacturers, distributors and experts from around the world.

Knowledge exchange and product showcase

For our brand, attending Interzoo is an opportunity to showcase our products, but also to exchange knowledge and experience with other industry leaders. Interzoo provides an ideal platform for us to demonstrate how our solutions meet and exceed market expectations.

Team commitment and strategic preparations

As we prepare for the show, our team demonstrates commitment and passion. We look forward to participating in such an important event, which is a great opportunity to make new business contacts and talk about the future of the industry.

Lolo Pets Classic – Tradition and Innovation at Interzoo 2024

Interzoo 2024 is an opportunity for Lolo Pets Classic to share our passion for creating high quality classic pet products. We believe that our proven solutions will be enjoyed by professionals from around the world and will further strengthen our brand’s position in international markets.

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